[Virtualacorn-list] Comparison of VRPC on Mac or Windows 7

T.O.M.S. toms at ndirect.co.uk
Sat Mar 5 16:15:23 GMT 2011

On 5 Mar Mik Towse mik.towse at xemik.com said:

> What I end up with is a 2-inch wide title bar (with no furniture)
> in the bottom left of the Windows screen /and/ a window
> containing VRPC in the background. If I click on the title bar
> VRPC reverts to full screen.

That's again encouraging. We get the same spurious rectangle (just 
above the 'Start' tab?) and others have reported it. It sounds like 
we're able to replicate almost exactly the identical drop-out symptoms 
as you - at will - but using an entirely different trigger!

We just need to be absolutely sure what's causing it, and with Aaron 
T's continuing techie help, to be able to suggest a fix (and an 
interim workaround).

Mike would like to compare notes with you in more detail and perhaps 
swap screen-shots. So rather than overload the forum, and if it's OK 
with you, he'll email you direct. TIA.

Alex Hamilton
pp T.O.M.S.
toms at ndirect.co.uk

Training, Operations & Management Services 

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