[Virtualacorn-list] VRPC-SA RISC OS crashes

Nick Roberts tigger at orpheusinternet.co.uk
Tue Apr 18 14:44:47 BST 2017

My VRPC installation (Toshiba laptop, Win 7) has started generating
errors (from RISC OS).

The installation has been working for about a year, and after a few
initial issues it's worked whenever I've used it - it's unused most
of the time, but for 4-6 weeks when I'm away from home it gets every

When it first started generating errors, it was during boot up, so (in
case it was software that I was loading during boot), I used a Windows
editor to prune the Desktop file so no apps were run. However, this
didn't help - the boot completed, but clicking on any icon on the
iconbar gives an "Application may have gone wrong" error.

Clicking on "Describe" gives:

SWI &34534F not found


Internal error: undefined instruction at &021C5894

albeit with different addresses (but so far usually in the roughly the
same area).

The only configuration change I've made recently was to increase the
memory available in model.cfg, but I of course kept a copy of the
original and the first thing I did after encountering the problem was
to swap the original back in.

I use VRPC-SA, so it's using standard RISC OS 4, not one of the various
ROL add-ons.

Nick Roberts           tigger @ orpheusinternet.co.uk           

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which
can be adequately explained by stupidity.

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