[Virtualacorn-list] / how to switch Quoting off?

Jim Nagel vatory at abbeypress.co.uk
Fri Jul 13 13:26:11 BST 2018

Bob Ardler via Virtualacorn-list  wrote on 13 Jul:

> ... Most of ... our local environment discussion group with 32ish
> members ... quote in full (including each Cc) every previous message
> on the topic. Could be that this apparent goofitude is caused by
> people using smartphones on the move being unable to do the fiddly
> bits.

I would think that whatever email software they are using, on 
smartphone or desktop or wherever, would have something in Settings 
(or Configure or similar name) where they could switch quoting off.

Otherwise, I guess the problem with hoi polloi is just that they are 
too lazy to use their Delete key before they hit Send.  (Pet peeve.)

Jim Nagel                            www.archivemag.co.uk

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