[Virtualacorn-list] RO 5.20 on VRPC

T.O.M.S. admin at toms12.plus.com
Fri Jan 10 11:23:59 GMT 2014

On Fri Jan 10 09:04:11 GMT 2014 Roger Darlington rogerarm at
freeuk.com sayeth:

> My complete system is VA_RPC_SA_ Adjust, ARM7500
> model, RO4.39.

> If you are saying that I should delete the second [Ram] line where
> it says

> [Ram]
> base=0x18000000
> size=0Mb

Argghh, NO!!  I'm not saying that at all!    ;-)

What I am saying is that, if you have installed VirtualRPC-AdjustSA,
that should result in a *single* RAM bank in each of the 3 Model files
(ARM7/ARM7500/StrongARM), and where each can be set to a maximum of
256MB (as per the illustration on p22 of the VirtualRPC In Use

But if you are saying that you have somehow finished up with a
VirtualRPC-AdjustSA installation with *two* RAM banks in the ARM 7500
Model file (as per the illustration on p23), then either you've
achieved the impossible - or have somehow overwritten the default
Model file with one appropriate to the non-Adjust variant, i.e.

> which does indeed look superfluous, then I have just done so,
> just now. (The '18000000' start-value would have put it slam
> bang in the middle of the 256MB configured in the top one
> anyway)

Absolutely. I believe that 'overlapping' the 2 RAM banks may well be
the root cause of most of the RAM problems reported over the last 10+
years (going back to VirtualRPC-SE and -SA).

Beware however: Although you have manually deleted the 'phantom'
*second* RAM bank (to make it properly appear to be a correct
VirtualRPC-AdjustSA installation), then that still doesn't explain the
very significant anomaly of having 2 RAM banks in your (Adjust)
installation and I think you should still be on the lookout for
potential problems.

To play absolutely safe, this may result in having to re-install
VirtualRPC-AdjustSA from the master disc and to rebuild your HardDisc4

However, I think it's worthwhile double-checking a couple of things:

a.  In your ARM7500 Model file (i.e. the one where you have manually
deleted the 'phantom' second RAM bank), does it definitely say
"Adjust" in the <Filename = Romsets\RISCOS Adjust> line? (If NOT, then
it does look as if you've somehow over-written the Model file with one
from VirtualRPC-SA.)

b.  What do the equivalent Model files for the ARM7 and StrongARM
emulations say? Do they have one or two RAM banks? Do they
definitely say "Adjust" in the <Filename...> line?

Back to you Mr Starter

Alex Hamilyon
pp T.O.M.S.

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