[Virtualacorn-list] Netsurf memory management, was: RO 5.20 on VRPC

Jeremy Nicoll - ml virtualacorn jn.ml.vac.83 at wingsandbeaks.org.uk
Thu Jan 9 20:50:43 GMT 2014

Roger Darlington <rogerarm at freeuk.com> wrote:

>I have now configured it that way and am now rolling in an extra 80MB, 
>which is now sufficient for Netsurf not to use up all its (the) memory 
>and crash even after looking at dozens of my flower pages on my 
>wildflowerfinder website.

It's a long time since I used NetSurf, but this description sounds to me as
if it indicates a big problem in NetSurf's memory management, maybe... 

When you "look at dozens of pages" do you mean

a) that after looking at a page, you open another page as well, and then 
   another and so on, so you have dozens all open at once?   or

b) that you only ever have a modest number open at once, but have had to 
   download images etc and render many more pages?

And why would NS crash if it couldn't get required memory for an n'th page? 
Why wouldn't it handle this totally predictable situation?  

Jeremy C B Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

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